Sunday, August 7, 2011

Facebook Fun!

For those of you that occasionally get off the couch to check out Facebook, or perhaps just shuffle the laptop over to the couch with you, you may want to check out some fun articles about Facebook.

You may want to check out WWW Smackdown: The Facebook Fight.  Just about everyone has participated in some type of Facebook drama in the past.  Even if you don't participate, you've seen the ridiculous fights people get in on Facebook.  The arguing can go back and forth until you can't believe you are even friends with these people.

Also, there are some folks that just don't know how to write an appropriate status update.  They will tell too much online.  Quite frankly, if you are pregnant or a relative died, you might want to pick up the phone and let someone know before announcing it on Facebook.  No one likes inappropriate status updates.  You can also check out the Many Types of Facebook Status Updates and see what type of status update you usually post.

Never forget, an awesome profile pic can make or break your page on Facebook.  To get some ideas or see which category your pic falls under, you can visit: The Many Types of Facebook Profile Pics.  After reading all about that, you can have fun for hours snapping random photos.  Good luck and happy reading!

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