Saturday, August 13, 2011

Zombies vs. Aliens

Trends in our society come and go.  Remember a time when you heard about aliens all the time?  People were always saying they were being abducted.  There were UFO sightings all over the place.  You turned on the TV - aliens.  You went to pick out a new book - aliens.  What happened to the aliens?  They aren't visiting our planet anymore?

Now zombies are all the rage.  You can barely surf the internet without finding zombie articles.  Now, when you turn on the TV - zombies!  Now, when you go to look for books - zombies!  Zombies have taken over.  Did they attack the aliens and kill them all?  What is going on?

Personally, I believe whatever supernatural fears we have as a society reflects our true fears.  It is a sign of the times.  No longer are we concerned with things beyond our control (like aliens).  We are scared of what is going on right in our backyard (like zombies). 

To some degree, we help control the economy and when it is going down the tubes, it is our problem.  Zombies happen to occur right here on this planet.  Usually zombie movies suggest zombies are walking amongst us because we failed in some way, such as a nuclear malfunction or a lab created disease.  The fear is that it is all our fault and we are paying the price.  The same goes for this economy.  Zombies represent our own shortcomings.

In the past, we were all scared of aliens.  Numerous people reported seeing them.  Even more people saw UFOs.  We were not as concerned about the economy.  Instead, we were concerned about what we could not see.  Aliens were a mystery.  Now with all the issues we are having, no one has time for the little green friends anymore.

So I suppose for now, we must say farewell to the aliens.  They pop up here and there, but their popularity has decreased.  The next time you begin to hear about alien abductions again, either one of two things has happened: A) the economy has gotten better, or B) the little guys have finally found us!  Let us hope that option A happens for us soon. 

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