Monday, January 9, 2012

Horror Movie Lessons

Sometimes you have to learn things the hard way in life.  Other times, you can learn valuable life lessons just by watching horror movies.  You don't believe me?  Well, let me clue you in on some things you've probably already learned just by watching horror movies.

If an axe murderer is chasing you, don't you try to run out the door instead of running up the stairs?  Thanks, horror movies!  We now know that is the rule.

If you have to go into the woods, do you go alone or take a friend along?  Of course you take your friend with you!  You know if you split up the crazed killer will get you!

When you meet a new man with mommy issues, don't you think he might be a creep that tries to kill you in the shower?  Of course!  You can thank Alfred Hitchcock for that one.

Would you ever drop the knife or the gun just because you believe the killer is dead?  Never!  The killer never dies the first time around.  You must remain prepared.

All of this knowledge comes from watching horror movies.  Where would we be without them?  Probably dead in a ditch somewhere, that is where.  So before you insult horror movies, I suggest you take a second look at them and discover how useful they truly are. 

For more fun with educational moments in horror movies, you can check out:

Life Lessons Learned While Watching Horror Movies

Poor Parenting Techniques Seen in Horror Movies

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