Sunday, February 5, 2012

Football Season is Almost Over!

I don't want to sound like every other girly girl out there.  I pride myself in being the type that is not into chick flicks and being able to handle all the same action movies guys love.  However, I have to say when it comes to football, I hate it.  I am the girliest of all girls.  Now that football season is almost over, I am overjoyed.

I don't get it.  Guys who never make it off the couch while eating Cheetos and drinking beer yell at the TV screen at teams they will never be athletically fit enough to play on.  Who cares?  Why are you yelling at some dude about a touchdown?  Why are you screaming at the TV about a football game?  You are sitting on the couch.  That guy is out on a field somewhere doing something with his life.  What is wrong with you?

I also do not understand the loyalty of teams.  Oh, I live in Baltimore, so I am supposed to like the Ravens.  So if I lived elsewhere, would it be unacceptable to like the Ravens?  If I move, am I required to change teams?  If so, doesn't that make me a fickle fan?  What is that?  That doesn't make sense to me either.

I am so relieved today is the Superbowl and it will officially be over soon.  No more football talk for a while.  No more listening to people talk irrationally about their teams.  No wonder I like spring and summer so much - no football!

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